First Mate, Lighthouse, Ahoy!, Knotty and Below Deck.
I can´t wait to try them on. Lighthouse is the one I´m the most curious about. I don´t have any yellow in my collection so I hope I like it. But Below Deck is my favorite, I think. They all look gorgeous.
Witch are your favorites from this collection?
great choices! my favs are white cap, lighthouse, and sea spray! those really stick out for me.
SvaraRaderaJag beställde sent den här gången, först igår. Har haft fullt upp och missade att de kommit in opå 8ty8. Längtar tills de kommer! Och Lighthouse vill jag verkligen testa! Den ser läcker ut!
SvaraRaderapolish lava: Thnaks:)I want those to but this time I didn´t afford to buy them all.
SvaraRaderaSminkan: Ja visst ser den läcker ut:)ska testas snarast..